The Leader's Ladder

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“A handbook for your growth as a leader – based on effective lean/agile leadership”

Better leadership can grow in symbiosis with Lean and Agile principles.
Real Lean (as opposed to the much too common fake lean) and Agile practices have proven to be a good base for very successful strategies in many organizations – resulting in growing people and systematic improvement of both products & ways-of-working.
Succesful Lean and Agile practices require good leadership – but Lean and Agile principles/practices also give great opportunities for leadership development. The Leader’s Ladder helps you to understand and try these opportunities.


The Leader's Ladder

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About the author

Bengt Savén is a committed promoter of a better and sustainable leadership that long-term favours all stake-holders of an organization.

His vast experience comes from many years in business management, complemented by a career in academia. He has been on the front line, serving as manager om all levels, leading both small and large organizations – ranging in size from just three subordinates to well over a thousand. Besides leading lean-agile Operational Excellence and Leadership tranformations, Bengt Savén is currently working part-time as professor in Sustainable Leadership at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm.

By combining his practical leadership experience with new theoretical findings, he has managed to evolve the three complementary models that forms the core of The Leader’s Ladder (i.e., besides the ladder itself, also The Collaboration Tree and The Contribution Model). These models and the language that comes with them have proven to be effective in improving leadership, collaboration and results.

He have founded the company Braveship in order to support executives and management teams to grow their leadership through systematic improvement. Interested to know more? … please fill in the form with your mail address or phone number and Bengt will contact you to discuss how we can support you.

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Customer comments

About inspirational lectures

“It was really great! It put to perspective ‘manager’ vs. ‘leader’. It challenged me to see the diffrence and to reflect on if I am a manager or a leader and which I want to be going forward. I have learnt a lot, e.g. the new model of MAA. The concept of ‘ ‘hard and soft’, Tough Care ,was great. I will try out ‘all’!!, specifically (1) a daily balance between to deliver, improve and learn, (2) taking time to coach leadership and (3) giving concious focus to MAA and soft vs. hard coaching.”

Feedback example from one director in an Executive program

About the book

“Every time I return to The Leader’s Ladder it happens again – recognition, inspiration and learning. It has provided me with numerous simple but constructive advice. The Leader’s Ladder has become a major source of energy – motivating me to grow continuously.”
Lotten Tholander
CEO, Nordic Construction Systems

“Despite my many years as a manager I haven’t come across a book anything like The Leader’s Ladder. It is really easy to comprehend and very practical in how it describes the process of developing as a leader. Coaching leaders has become so much easier since we got access to the insights and structure that Bengt Savén presents in his book. The Leader’s Ladder has become more or less as a bible in our office.”
Jacob Kramer
Head of Business Development, LF Insurance

“The Leader’s Ladder describes the importance of value-based leadership – and makes it practical and useable for everyday work. The book contains concrete tips for challenging both managers and coworkers to grow. I highly recommend it to everyone interested in creating better leadership.”
Johanna Strömgren
Head of Lean Center, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

“The Leader’s Ladder is an amazing handbook for those who want to develop great and effective leadership. Its messages are firmly established in modern research. It is a book to read and regularly revisit, regardless of your background, organisation and management level.”
Jason Martin
Leadership researcher, Linkoping University

“This work is a candle to help us see better in the shadow.”
Johan Southey
MBA, South Africa

Dr. Graham Edwards

“I wish that I had The Leader’s Ladder available for myself and my colleagues when I was a manager!

Bengt Savén has covered everything from the communication of the high level strategic vision right down to how to set meaningful objectives at all levels of the organisation. I like the way the author deals with accountability/attitude, for example stressing the need for a courageous approach to giving honest feedback. Savén has succeeded in combining the Care and Growth Model with a continuous improvement process (Lean) – and his integration is excellent. The book contains great illustrations and several practical examples to illustrate ​important points, supporting you to become a better leader step-by-step.

There is a lot in this book, and I think all practicing managers will benefit from reading it. “

Dr. ​Graham Edwards
Director Ejecutivo (Rtd), AECI

About the book

“Every time I return to The Leader’s Ladder it happens again – recognition, inspiration and learning. It has provided me with numerous simple but constructive advice. The Leader’s Ladder has become a major source of energy – motivating me to grow continuously.”
Lotten Tholander
CEO, Nordic Construction Systems

“Despite my many years as a manager I haven’t come across a book anything like The Leader’s Ladder. It is really easy to comprehend and very practical in how it describes the process of developing as a leader. Coaching leaders has become so much easier since we got access to the insights and structure that Bengt Savén presents in his book. The Leader’s Ladder has become more or less as a bible in our office.”
Jacob Kramer
Head of Business Development, LF Insurance

“The Leader’s Ladder describes the importance of value-based leadership – and makes it practical and useable for everyday work. The book contains concrete tips for challenging both managers and coworkers to grow. I highly recommend it to everyone interested in creating better leadership.”
Johanna Strömgren
Head of Lean Center, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

“The Leader’s Ladder is an amazing handbook for those who want to develop great and effective leadership. Its messages are firmly established in modern research. It is a book to read and regularly revisit, regardless of your background, organisation and management level.”
Jason Martin
Leadership researcher, Linkoping University

“This work is a candle to help us see better in the shadow.”
Johan Southey
MBA, South Africa

Dr. Graham Edwards

“I wish that I had The Leader’s Ladder available for myself and my colleagues when I was a manager!

Bengt Savén has covered everything from the communication of the high level strategic vision right down to how to set meaningful objectives at all levels of the organisation. I like the way the author deals with accountability/attitude, for example stressing the need for a courageous approach to giving honest feedback. Savén has succeeded in combining the Care and Growth Model with a continuous improvement process (Lean) – and his integration is excellent. The book contains great illustrations and several practical examples to illustrate ​important points, supporting you to become a better leader step-by-step.

There is a lot in this book, and I think all practicing managers will benefit from reading it. “

Dr. ​Graham Edwards
Director Ejecutivo (Rtd), AECI

Etsko Schuitema.

Etsko Schuitema.


“The Leader’s Ladder is one of those unique texts that transcend the distinction between the theoretical and the practical. Based on the extensive experience Bengt Savén has had both of the Lean methodology and of the Care and Growth leadership model, the book provides immensely helpful tools for leaders to produce genuinely and practically enabling environments for their people.

In my consulting experience, I have repeatedly seen that a synthesis of a leadership excellence approach and an operational excellence methodology provides the drivers for an authentic transformation process that delivers engaged employees. In weaving the requirements of the Care and Growth model and the Lean methodology, Bengt has achieved just such a synthesis. The added advantage that Bengt has is that he developed his insights not only as a consultant, but also as a line leader who was responsible for delivering a business outcome. What you have in this text is a methodology which works because it has been tested by its author in a very challenging environment.

It is also important to recognize that this book does not only represent a practical application of a pre-existing theoretical framework. In applying the ideas of the Care and Growth model, for example, Bengt has reworked them into a form which fits his context and hence contributes a unique richness to his handling of the material. This book is therefore not merely a ‘how to’ investigation. It represents a serious contribution to our thinking about organizations and the human being at work.”

Etsko Schuitema
Lead Partner, Schuitema Human Excellence Group

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Etsko Schuitema.

Etsko Schuitema.

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